Wear What is Important.

Personalization and customization starts with what is important to YOU.  A logo, a design, a cause, a message, an image, or an event could ALL hold important meanings in our life.  

RipFISH will offer the ability for YOU to design, or convert your art into a custom RipTAG™ patch. 

Remember, these aren't ordinary patches.  These are "patent-pending" RipTAG™ patches that have important idenitication and collection information printed on the back.  

1) Choose a descriptive title, 2) identify a creator of the design and 3) link to your personal Website, Facebook or Instagram page.  You also get to set the all-important NTE (not-to-exceed) number.  

The QR-Code always links to a webpage in the Rip.FISH/Market (coming soon) that is dedicated to your design.  The page will live forever in our Market and you (the owner of the design) will always have access.  

Want to get started? 

YES.  We do too!  We want to work with everyone to collaborate and build AWESOME RipTAG™ patches.  Our Kickstarter launch is coming soon and we will offer a "Custom RipTAG™ Patch" award for your support of our crowdfunding campaign. 

The BEST way to get engaged is to join our mailing list below  ↓↓↓  We will keep you informed, and reach out with some special pre-campaign (early bird) offers. 

Can't Wait?

As a new company, we are laser focused on our Kickstarter launch... a launch that can only be successful with YOUR support.  So yes, reach out and let us know your timeline and RipTAG™ design ideas.  We'll do our best to respond and work with you.  

Hit me by email at:  Bret@Rip.FISH.