RipTAG Patches are Collectable! Part TWO

RipFISH was founded on the idea that design matters.  That the most important part of the cap on your head is the design, and what it says about you.

The design on your cap was your choice. It was your experience. It is your favorite artist, sports team, brand or golfer.  RipFISH separates your important design into an independent patch article called a RipTAG™.  


Reimagining and RipINVENTing Patches...

We've established that RipTAGs™ are forever.  But what if they were forever collectible?  What if identification and collection information was printed on the back of the patch? What if the patch offered a baseball card-like collectors experience? Meet the RIpTAG™.

We have reimagined your patch experience and RipTAG™ patches offer our patent-pending system for patch identification and collecting.

On the back of every RipTAG™ patch you will find the who, what, where, when and how many. 

NTE means NOT to Exceed

We use a NTE "Not to Exceed" rarity methodology and system that tells you the MAXIMUM number of RipTAGs™ that could be made. If a RipTAG™ patch has a NTE number of 5000, you know that 5000 of the patches likely exist.  But it could be less.

What does the QR-CODE do?

RipTAG™ patches exist in the physical world AND in the virtual world.  Each RipTAG™ design has a unique QR-CODE that links to a static NFT (non-Fungible Token) blockchain address that is dedicated to it's specific design. 

The RipTAG™ webpage will offer hi-res versions of the design, social media icons for sharing, and all of the identification and collecting information that is printed on the back of the RipTAG™ patch. This will include the NTE # and the FINAL and ACTUAL number produced


Part One of this blog post explains how RipTAG™ patches are independent and interchangeable articles of design.  RipTAG™ patches are tough, resilient and won't wear out like your cap. Caps wear out, but RipTAG™ Patches are FOREVER!

Part Two further reimagines and ripINVENTs™ patches.  RipFISH has built a new standard and platform for patch collections.  We will spark new interest in patches, and inspire new collectors.  RipTAG™ patches are forever, and they are forever collectable! 

Let's keep going.  I am inspired by the baseball-card analogy and want to expand on how a RipTAG™ compares.  It's On!  

RipTAG Patches are FOREVER! - Part ONE.

RipTAG™ Patches vs. Baseball Trading Cards. - Part THREE.

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